Alison Bergblom Johnson, Artist
A photograph of Alison Bergblom Johnson, a white woman with short, asymmetrical blonde hair wearing a shiny, pink shirt in front of a light tan background.

Digital Spa Treatments Surprise Pop-Up Exhibition

A-Mill Artist Lofts
315 SE Main St
Minneapolis MN 55414
July 30 - August 6, 2023
Available by Appointment outside of Activations
To Access outside of Activations Contact Alison Bergblom Johnson

All events associated with Digital Spa Treatments are canceled due to illness.

All prints available for order for $45 each. Prints may be picked up August 6, or will be shipped August 7 if no arrangements for local delivery or pickup.

Buy prints here

  • Image description: Two movable gallery walls painted with white paint hold two collages, each a variation of a similar collage. The collage is a figure against a backdrop created of found text outlining medication risks and interactions.

Digital Spa Treatments Artist Statement

All of these prints began life as hand-cut, hand-glued analog collages. After documenting them, Artist Alison Bergblom Johnson then took them to the digital spa for a makeover. These pieces allude to how many directions one beginning can spark. These are art pieces that are fascinated by how real people live and imagine gender, how we metabolize hurt and trauma through the subjectivity of one artist. There are a few opportunities with this exhibit to make your own work.

If this work resonates for you Alison has a new substack newsletter called Selfitudes, exploring selfies from art historical, cultural and personal lenses. She also has a Patreon that includes audio and other media.

Alison Bergblom Johnson is an artist whose work explores disability, identity, and joy. She collaborates with numerous community care and art organizations (some examples: Fresh Eye Gallery, Strike Theater, the Wilder Foundation, Springboard for the Arts, and the Walker Art Center’s Mn Artists). As part of Mixed Blood Theatre’s 12x12 project she created a theater piece with other people with disabilities about disabled lives.

She speaks about disability justice and the arts. She leads art classes with People Incorporated’s Artability for people experiencing mental health concerns; some of her favorite projects from her own practice include her explorations of the Craigslist personals, (with press coverage from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, MinnPost and other media) and her creation Walter, the emotional support balloon. She writes essays, makes collage, and tells stories on stage. She is an artist, a writer, a performer, an artist organizer, a consultant, and a teaching artist. She is an Artist Career Consultant and workshop facilitator with Springboard for the Arts.

  • Detail of the previous image, a close up showing a collage hanging from a pink ribbon on a white wall. A pink figure reclines on found text.